The Four-Man: something indescribable, something special, something real.
To many, it is just a room—the worst bedroom in the ADPi house to be exact. It is cramped, a little worn down, and two of the sinks are constantly clogged. There is a weird painting of a lady blow-drying her hair hanging in the—ridiculously oversized—closet, and I am certain the carpet had never been vacuumed until a few months ago, when I finally bit the bullet. No girl in her right mind would ever want to share a room with not one, but two roommates, right? Still, what may not seem like much to most people, means everything to me.
I was lucky enough to meet my very best friends in ADPi within a week of coming to college. I ran home to Lauren on Bid Day, I sat next to Bailey in my very first class of the semester, and I met Madison through Lauren, who was her best friend. A few weeks into the semester Lauren became my big, and Madison became Bailey’s big. We were kind of like a little family—going everywhere as a group of four. Cute, right? So, when my three best friends had the opportunity to move into a room together in the ADPi house, our excitement was unmatched.
For weeks we planned decorations and coordinated furniture leading up to move-in day. I say “we” because even though it wasn’t technically my room, I claimed it as my own. Once the new semester began, the girls got settled in, and I so did I—on my blow-up mattress. The so called “Three-Man” became known as the “Four-Man” because the four of us spent literally every second together.
The Four-Man holds some of my favorite memories: getting ready for dances, painting faces for events day, watching trash TV, talking in the closet, and laughing to the point of tears. I learned things about my friends that I never would have known before. Like that Lauren always keeps a massive stash of Dr. Pepper on hand, that Bailey insists on going to bed before 11 PM, and that Madison talks (and sometimes walks) in her sleep. I also learned that Lauren will willingly stay up until 5 AM to comfort you when you’re sad, even though she has a test the next day; that Bailey is the best person to go to for a pep talk when you think all hope is lost; and that Madison gives the best, most honest advice, even if it’s not always what you want to hear.
This room, as shambled and crowded as it may be, is what helped me find my sense of belonging in ADPi and in college. The closeness that I feel with girls of the Four-Man is unlike any other friendship I have ever had. They are loyal, honest, loving, and intentional. They are truly like sisters to me. These are the first girls I call when I have good news and the first girls I go running to when I’m upset. With them, I am safe, and with them, I feel at home. I am so thankful to have the privilege of walking through life with them.
Although this year looks very different for the Four-Man, Lauren is at graduate school in Tennessee and Bailey is living in a house off campus, I know that the bond that developed as we lived together is something that can never be broken. Friendships like that don’t just fade away. No matter the distance between us, I know they will always be just a call away.
To the sisterhood that made an unfamiliar campus feel like home—I can never thank you enough.
To the room that holds my dearest memories—I will cherish you always.
To the girls who changed my life and taught me the true meaning of friendship—I love you most.
Avery Wilmurth